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Created and Maintained by: A.B. Credaro
August 18, 2001
October 7, 2001

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Tomes: Harrison Ford battles assorted bad guys, to fight his way into a library so he can borrow the latest releases.
National Lampoon's Animal Library: College students infest the campus library, vomit, damage books, and leave gum under tables. So, what's new?
A Few Good Librarians: Tom Cruise takes on the cause of school librarians in a court battle, when they are falsely accused of not doing much except stamping books and shushing people. He wins.
The Blair Library Project: Innovative film techniques (eg poor quality cinematography) showing how scary it is to work in a library.
Rambo: First Overdue Notice 2: Sylvester Stallone reacts (or is that "acts"?) badly to a request for the return his overdue books.
Robin Hood: Prince of Cataloguing: The legendary figure takes on the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, and retreats to a quiet corner of Sherwood Forest with AACR2 for 20 years.
Library of the Apes: Futuristic school library, where the budget is controlled by simians dressed as humans.
2001: A Library Odyssey: The onboard computer flying the library has a personality defect. Can the library staff get to the manual override, and keep circulation functioning?
What Librarians Want: Mel Gibson stars as a library administrator who finds that he can read librarians' thoughts. He takes early retirement.

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