From: Amanda Credaro
Sent: Thursday, 5 August 2004 10:17 PM
Subject: WLW: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
I would like to quote from pages 42-43 in Paul Livingston's "The Dirt Bath", as part of a Warrior Librarian Weekly (WLW) feature on librarians in fiction. WLW is an internationally acclaimed online journal for library professionals. Although the main perspective is satirical commentary, the books mentioned in the journal obtain wide exposure overseas.
I would be most grateful for your prompt attention, as I would like to include the quotation in next week's edition of WLW.
Yours sincerely,
Editor: Warrior Librarian Weekly
From: Crocombe, Angela [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:38 AM
Subject: FW: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
It usually takes at least 3 weeks to clear permission. Please provide the exact quote you wish to use (or words beginning and ending), word count, print run of your journal, distribution territory, and retail price that it sells for. I will try to clear it as soon as possible, but there are no guarantees.
Best wishes,
Angela Crocombe
Rights Administrator - Adult books
Penguin Group (Australia)
(a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd)
250 Camberwell Rd
Ph. +61
Fax. +61
From: Amanda Credaro
Sent: Wednesday, 11 August 2004 6:58 PM
To: Crocombe, Angela
Subject: RE: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
Hello Angela.
To answer your queries:
Quote: From page 42-43 "...To Henry's mind, the library did not look promising at first glance. There was only one person, sitting at a large single table ... [Henry looking over man's shoulder] - 'The Hollow Men'. Excellent said Henry ...
The man remained unmoved. Yellow, knotted hair fell over the book, dropping grit and flaked skin onto the page. He wore a soiled brown suit, and a collection of no less than five plastic bags surrounded his feet, stuffed with an eclectic selection from [Sydney suburb's name] finest bins.
- "This is the way the world ends, not with a band but a whimper", quoted Henry, still fishing for a response. He got one ...
...The ruckus interrupted a phone conversation in which librarian Suzie Bannister was engaged. She walked towards the pair, shaking her head. Scooping up the plastic bags, she headed for the door.
"Come on Rudyard, back to your cage" she said. Suzie threw the bags onto the footpath, sending the man scrambling to retrieve his possessions ... "Kipling?" asked Henry as she passed. "Today' he's Kipling", she said offhandedly. "Yesterday he was Sylvia Plath" ...
Word Count: 186
Print Run: Warrior Librarian Weekly is an online journal, ISSN 1445-9124. There is no "print run". It may be of interest to note that WLW is regularly archived by the National Library of Australia as part of their Pandora Project on the basis that it is considered to be culturally significant.
Distribution: Global. For a selection of organizations (including the United Nations library, and over 50 academic institutions) that link to WLW see:
Audience: Librarians
Price: Free
Rationale for requesting permission to quote: WLW usually does not quote from any print material unless a review copy has been supplied. However, as "Dirt Bath" is considered to be of high interest to the librarian profession, an exception has been made in this case. Incidentally, WLW does not accept paid advertising.
Looking forward to your reply,
Amanda Credaro
Editor: Warrior Librarian Weekly
From: Crocombe, Angela [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:35 PM
To: Amanda Credaro
Subject: RE: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
Dear Amanda,
Thanks for this. Attached is a quote for you. If you would like to proceed, please sign it and return it back to me.
Best wishes,
Amanda Credaro
Warrior Librarian Weekly
15 January 2005
Re: THE DIRT BATH by Paul Livingston
We are pleased to quote for the granting of permission to use at least 186 words from the above title in your online journal, Warrior Librarian Weekly. This quote is valid for 30 days from the date of this letter.
On acceptance of this quote and payment of our tax invoice the permission will be granted on a non-exclusive basis on condition that you pay a fee of A$50, for distribution online throughout the world for a term of no more than two years from the above date.
Please countersign the copy of this letter and return it to me as confirmation of your acceptance of this quote. Upon receipt of your acceptance a tax invoice will be issued which shall be due and payable upon publication.
The quoted fee is for a specific print run and price. Should that alter at any time we would need to be advised immediately as some recalculation of the fee may be necessary at which stage a further invoice shall be issued. Should you wish to use the material again we would require that you renegotiate the fee prior to a second printing or use of the material.
We require that suitable acknowledgement be made to the title of our book, the author and to Penguin Group Australia Ltd as publisher.
An invoice will be issued upon acceptance of this quotation following which time no cancellation of invoice or refund of fees will be possible.
Yours sincerely,
Angela Crocombe
Rights Co-ordinator, Adult Books
for and on behalf of Penguin Australia
direct tel: 61
fax: 61
From: Amanda Credaro
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:27 PM
To: Crocombe, Angela
Subject: RE: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
Attention: Angela Crocombe,
Rights Administrator - Adult books
Penguin Group (Australia)
CC: Australian Society of Authors
Please correct me if Im wrong, but the attached document seems to indicate that you are asking me to PAY you to provide publicity for your authors book, by quoting a few paragraphs to highlight the writing style, content, and wit of the author. Is the author of the Dirt Bath aware of your policy of charging for publicity?
As I previously mentioned, Warrior Librarian Weekly does not accept advertising. Heck, we dont even review every book we receive if we find it is not of interest to the international library community, it doesnt get any free publicity from us.
Warrior Librarian Weekly based in Sydney - has an editorial policy of promoting Australian literature to the international market. I am astounded that Penguin Australia does not value this commitment to Australian authors. In the past, Warrior Librarian Weekly has interviewed authors such as Anna Maria Delloso and Clio Cresswell. Both of those two authors found the journals satirical approach to serious issues a refreshing change from the more traditional paradigms, and appreciated the fact that the publicity would reach a significant, although different, audience. Presumably, international sales of their works didnt suffer from the exposure.
In the interests of all Australian authors, I will contact the Australian Society of Authors, and elicit some information as to whether or not this is a new trend (charging for publicity) or if it applies only to Penguin Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Amanda Credaro
Editor: Warrior Librarian Weekly
From: Crocombe, Angela
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:19 AM
To: Amanda Credaro
Subject: RE: Permission to quote from "The Dirt Bath"?
Dear Amanda,
Thank you for your response.
Please let me explain my position. You came to me in the context of a permissions request, not free publicity for this book. I did consider carefully whether to charge you or not, and went to the website to take a look at your journal, however we are naturally wary of on-line products as the distribution is hard to monitor, and so I decided to put some restrictions on the usage. As the book is now out of print in Australia and has been since 2001, the publicity angle was not one of great concern. Unfortunately, any free publicity you may generate for the book is not going to result in extra sales as there are no copies to sell.
As you know, my role in this situation is to clear usage of quotations from our books and as such, I closely adhere to the regulations of the ASA in obtaining maximum income for our authors. I am always looking to do the best for our authors, and this is certainly the case here.
However, since you obviously feel so strongly about this issue, I am prepared to reconsider. If you can assure me that this information will stay no longer than 2 years online and you will give full credit to the author, title and Penguin Group Australia as publisher, I would be happy to allow you to use this quotation for free.
Best wishes,
Angela Crocombe
Rights Dept
Penguin Group Australia
Attention: Angela Crocombe
Rights Dept
Penguin Group Australia
CC: Australian Society of Authors
Dear Angela,
Apologies for any confusion. My original email to you stated I would like to quote from pages 42-43 in Paul Livingston's "The Dirt Bath", as part of a Warrior Librarian Weekly (WLW) feature on librarians in fiction, and I assumed you would equate the exposure to publicity.
Interestingly, as the book is out of print, the quote maybe very well have been available under fair use provisions anyway. The material was clearly less than 10% of the total; the material was not being sold or used for any financial gain; and the main use of the material would have been for information and study purposes. Over 50 academic institutions link to Warrior Librarian Weekly, with a number of the articles being required reading for various institutions delivering instruction to future librarians.
As you say, Penguin would not have made any financial gain through further sales as the book was out of print. Im sure that the author would be most pleased to hear that you are guided by the ASA regulations; publicity (and/or exposure) of The Dirt Bath would promote the authors current and future works despite this particular work being unavailable. Incidentally, as a matter of both personal and professional interest, what percentage of the $50 originally requested (for permission to quote from the book) would have gone to the author?
However, I would like to thank you for the reconsideration of the matter of payment. Unfortunately I am unable to assure [you] that the information will stay no longer than two years online as Warrior Librarian is indefinitely archived on its own website. In addition, (as previously mentioned) the journal is also archived by the National Library of Australia as part of its Pandora Project, preserving Internet documents of cultural significance for future generations. Paul Livingstons name may now well have been immortalized in the digital informationscape.
Which raises a whole other issue as far as publicity for Penguin Publishing and its authors are concerned. Whilst the traditional mainstream press and other professional print journals may carry reviews (which = publicity/exposure/etc) and exist for a relatively short period of time, the potential immortality that may be bestowed by Warrior Librarian Weekly appears to have not been recognized by your organisation. Despite extensive searches of our records, we note that Penguin Australia (and its subsidiaries) have never forwarded material to us for review. This may be one avenue that Penguin Australia may wish to explore more deeply in the future.
Kind regards,
Amanda Credaro
Editor: Warrior Librarian Weekly
Via the Warrior Librarian Update Subscription Newsletter:
Dear Warrior Librarian Update Subscriber,
For those who may have been a little concerned regarding the Penguin Australia Publishing bun-fight with the WLW Corporate Division, please be assured that the situation has now been settled semi-amicably. Which means that there were no men in suits with briefcases involved. The current edition of Warrior Librarian Weekly has been slightly amended to reflect the latest developments. Another win for Warrior Librarianship!
Amanda Credaro
[aka Biblia, the Warrior Librarian]
POSTSCRIPT: The Australian Society of Authors did not correspond with WLW at any stage; no money was ever paid by WLW to Penguin; Penguin (Australia, or anywhere else) has never sent WLW any of its publications for review; there was no forthcoming information as to what percentage of the proposed fee would have gone to the author of "Dirt Bath"; and the quotation - for which permission to publish was originally requested - was never published. Except for here, above. In the context of archival correspondence ....