Library administration is conducted from a remote location. No-one ever sees who is in charge; no-one ever knows when funding will arrive, or its magnitude. Everyone is very grateful for the fact that something arrives, but they are not sure what to do with it, or if it has a specific purpose.
One person is in charge of every one and everything. The administrator hardly ever moves from their office, and when the do they expect others to step around them. This person is inflexible in their approach.
Based on actions of Mahatma Ghandi, the library administrator listens to everyone's "personal issues", proposals for improvement and/or change, and is the office peacemaker. Quietly spoken and philosophical in approach, this person makes management decisions have the appearance of being considered in the light of all available data.
The hallmark of this model is the overwhelming number of committees and committee meetings, generally conducted outside core working hours (ie in your own time). Agendas may be formal, informal, obscure or hidden. The library administrator does not take the chair at meetings, but it is shared in rotation through the committee members. Final management decisions are made by the administrator regardless of any discussions, proposals or options that were considered.
An organisational diagram shows multiple individuals sharing heirachical positions. This means that no single person is accountable for disasters, whilst all can share the accolades for anything that actually does work well. Serves as a retrenchment buffer, but prevents any meaningful change as no real decisions are ever made.
Administrator needles library staff until work is conducted in a numbed state. Communication is by barely comprehensible mumbling, and everyone is expected to "be brave".
The library staff (often totalling one person) does everything, is accountable to everyone, receives nil recognition for any innovations, and does not appear on any organisational charts.