The Second International WWW Conference '94: Mosaic and the Web
A lot of nervous-looking young men in taped-up glasses spoke inarticulately about whether or not this thing was going really going to work.
National Conference of Editorial Writers
Lots of people took notes, then swapped them with the person sitting next to them, who crossed things out and wrote notes in red pen in the margins.
Southern Comfort Conference
No one can actually remember what happened, or how they got home. But all conference participants said theyd be back again next year.
Atlas Mathematical Conference
No one can remember what happened at this one either, as everyone pretty much slept through the whole thing.
Professional Conference Interpreters Conference
Focused on protocols for translating versus interpeting.
American Psychiatric Association Conference
Was strangely quiet, as no one wanted to say anything in case someone else thought they were weird.
2002 String Conference
Not for macramé or weavers, apparently. Music related. Just fiddled around.
22nd Annual Sock Monkey Conference
What can you expect from people who put their hands in their socks, instead of their feet. Not much. Which is essentially what happened.
The VIIIth Biennial Conference of the Australasian Pig Science
Required a strong stomach and a bad sense of smell. This one was for aficionados only.
XVI International Congress of Classical Archaeology
When you come right down to it, this was just people siting around digging up the past, and going over old ground.
There were some difficulties with:
1999 Public Administration Conference
Planning is now well underway, with the conference now scheduled to be held in 2004. Or maybe 2005. If funds are available.
11th International Conference on Conflict Resolution
Postponed due to wide disagreement on suitable venue.
2003 Spam Conference
Had to be cancelled as all the email regarding calls for papers, conference registration and other procedures were deleted by automated filters.
The Twenty Third International WWW Conference
The conference you are looking for may have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Please try the following:
- Check your calendar and schedule, and adjust the settings.
- If you went to the conference and it wasnt there, you may have gone to the wrong .
- Open the Internet, and start begging and pleading. Crying might help.
- Go to another
- Stay home and read a book