Warrior Librarian Weekly: the zine for librarians that defy classification

A missing file? Oh, a 404 error!

  • Did you check in the catalog, or try the site map? Maybe someone has already borrowed it. Or maybe you might have made a tiny spelling mistake when you typed in the URL? You could always try a site search, or maybe have another attempt at typing in the URL.
  • Maybe the file might be in the returns chute, or waiting to be reshelved.
  • We can check to see if it's been mishelved. That sometimes happens on large websites, or if someone has been just a little careless.
  • Still can't find it? Have you considered using a similar file? Or another title?
  • We can try to order you in similar file from another website. That could take a couple of days to a couple of weeks, depending on its availability.
The Warrior Librarian at the keyboard
Oh, you didn't want to wait that long? Have you tried kicking the *#&*^$%@^#%& out of your computer?
It won't help find the file, but it sure will make you feel a lot better. At least until you get the repair bill ...