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A.B.Credaro Sub-Editor: A.B.Credaro Night Editor: A.B.Credaro Head of Production: A.B.Credaro Webmaster: A.B. Credaro Layout: A.B. Credaro Publicity: A.B.Credaro Catering: A.B.Credaro Hair Stylist: A.B. Credaro Wardrobe Supervisor: A.B. Credaro Correspondence to:
![]() M.E.M.O.North Dakota,USA - October, 2003: Confirmed. S.L.A.Q., Queensland, Australia - June 2004: Invitation accepted. California, USA - November 2004: Correspondence still continuing (for two years). Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use. Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory. In other words, this would be nice, but you don't have to. All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same. |
There would be few information professionals who would not delight in a world free from intrusive and persistant advertising; offensive material; incorrect, inaccurate or biased information. Last week, in a major triumph of human-technology interaction, one of the most important discoveries of this century has been made. True, this century is still only three years old, and other important things might very well be discovered later. But amongst the actual achievement of utopian dreams, this is still pretty good. Warrior Librarian Weekly is proud to be able to share this no-cost solution, achievable by even the most technologically inept. Refer to instructions pictured ... ... There is no more to read >> LIBRARY DESIGNMaintaining Perspective
Goodness knows its hard enough to get a real break when you work in a library, but really the last thing you need is to have to spend half of your rostered time off having to line up waiting to use the rest rooms. Not to mention having to queue for the coffee machine, the one Internet connection without a filter, the exit door at the end of the day ... ... There is no more to read >> OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTHUnacceptable Patron Behaviour
However, unlike many workplaces, your friendly library also has to contend with additional factors brought about by constant interaction with members of the community. Recently, there has been an increase in interest of the risk assessment of airborne microbacteria. These may originate from air circulation systems, mouldy book stock, or patron hygene habits. Like wearing sneakers with out socks (pictured). As one librarian commented " ...plus it really stinks" ... ... There is no more to read >> WLW RESEARCH COLUMNSearch Strategies Part 2
Recent analysis of search queries on the WLW website have revealed some interesting facts. 93% of searches are single keywords; complex search phrases are still being conducted without the use of Boolean operator symbols; and only 67% of searches of this site have a positive outcome. Last issue, WLW arrogantly refused to apologise for the fact that there is no information on this site pertaining to soccer rules, Stalin, casino online, or ant farms. We would like to update this information by adding that there is also no mention of the keyword "phoenix". Except for when we said it just then ... ... There is no more to read >>
Caution: Will open in new window ...
![]() Many thanks to School Director Jeff for his acknowledgement of the excellence of the Warrior Librarian's research skills. Biblia was happy to provide completely uninformed commentary to assist in the completion of his thesis ... Also, many thanks to Adminstrator Don, who wrote to share a brand new word. Infunation (in-fun-A-shen) n. 1. Facts or knowledge imparted in an entertaining or pleasurable way. Infunationl (adjective). Don tells me that he created the word on June 6, 2003, and that only four people have ever see it. Not any more, Don ... ... There is no more to read >> |
It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid. George Bernard Shaw
Despite the fact that Michael Moore has still not fallen at WLW's feet in gratitude at the fact that his website was named WLW Website of the Week a while back, it would be very snarky of us not to inform you of the online availability of a free bonus chapter to compliment the print version of Stupid White Men .... There is no more >>
The Chicago poll conducted by the Geneva Public Library resulted in more than 80% of the surveyed population indicating they'd be willing to finance a larger facility. Maybe the surveyed population should have also been provided with information on library pay scales? And asked if they think these should be increased ... There is no more >>
School libraries have long been lumbered with personnel that are in no way related to library or information services (Hi, Margaret) and suffered subsequent lack of space for any useful activities. However, Putrajaya must have mixed feelings about getting a new library - with a whole private wing being occupied by a retired politician ... The information that this model is a proposed library think-tank would bring little comfort, as there is much evidence to suggest that libraries are already think-tanks. There is no more >>
Chinese Proverb: Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question and you're a fool for the rest of your life. There is no more >>
Cant remember where you put the car-keys? Then theres probably not much point in trying this memory game .. There is no more >>
The Taxpayers of Australia are proud to present the website, Humor Australia, delivered to you curtesy of our national broadcasting commission .... There is no more >>
The Naussau Guardian's news that Bethel Brothers Morticians made a family donation to the local library may have caused some concern. However, the donation was not in the nature of any realia ... As if Detroit didn't already have enough problems, the report of a library flasher didn't really need to be accompanied by video footage. Before you rush over to check it out, we should tell you that the video only shows people being interviewed ... The headline which proudly proclaims that " ... foundation makes bookends meet" needs to be re-written in consultation with a librarian. It is manifestly obvious that we don't want the bookends to meet - they need to be as far away from each other as our budgets will allow. Hopefully with quality materials between them ... There is no more >>