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A.B.Credaro Sub-Editor: A.B.Credaro Night Editor: A.B.Credaro Head of Production: A.B.Credaro Webmaster: A.B. Credaro Layout: A.B. Credaro Publicity: A.B.Credaro Catering: A.B.Credaro Hair Stylist: A.B. Credaro Wardrobe Supervisor: A.B. Credaro Correspondence to:
![]() M.E.M.O.North Dakota,USA - October, 2003: Confirmed. S.L.A.Q., Queensland, Australia - June 2004: Invitation accepted. California, USA - November 2004: Correspondence still continuing (for two years). Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use. Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory. In other words, this would be nice, but you don't have to. All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same. |
ENOUGH ALREADY Web Site Visitors Get Lucky Break Net surfers and information 'miners' have had it right up to here with the multimedia assault. Like, you want graphics, fine. Music, no problem. Perhaps a bit of text to rip off for homework? But do you really want to wait hours for some multimedia to download - and find it was only advertising anyway? ![]() Although Flash and Shockwave have a place in cyberculture, what no-one really needs to see is the cyborg anchor. The talking animated salesperson, who can be inserted not only onto web sites, but also into emails. WLW readers will be happy to hear that they have been spared the pain of a Site Pal. Of course, this act of compassion has nothing to do with the small matter of having to cough up $189.50 ... There is no more to read >> LIBRARIES IN REAL LIFE Scotland Yard Seeks Book Bandit One of Scotland Yards most wanted criminals has been caught on security camera. Not one of your common-or-garden varieties of book thief Peter Bellworth has knocked off thousands of rare maps and manuscripts.
But not the whole thing. He just cuts out pieces of the documents, which he then sells at a fraction of the value of the original artifact. Librarians internationally should be vigilant. Be wary of who asks for access to your archival resources. And also for anyone offering you off-cuts of old maps or manuscripts. Although the story from the Leeds Today website does not give any information about the size of the reward offered for information, you can always ring Scotland Yard and ask . ... There is no more to read >> FORENSIC LIBRARIANSHIPWLW Sniffs Out Fraud ![]() However, the WLW Research Team believes the papers to be a fraud, as http://home.wlu.edu/~stanleyv/19sep50.htm contains a facsimile from Bonaparte papers dated Baltimore 19 Sept 1850. And we KNOW they didnt have fax machines back then. Casting further doubt on the authenticity is the statement by real, actual, author and Bonaparte Papers authority Frank R. Hartman. In his statement in a letter to the New York Review of books (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/6334), he states that this is a poisonous distortions of fact and interpretation, although admittedly this statement was taken completely out of context, and was referring to another matter entirely. And it was written back in 1982. But that's completely irrelevant in dealing with forensic librarianship. (The age of the document, not the taking statements out of context bit. That's more in the line of research licence.) Although evidence such as the above continues to mount, you're still going to have to wait for another 17 years to find out for sure .
Caution: Will open in new window ...
![]() What gives with wordofmouth.org? An international gripe box? An authoritative information source? Yet another method of harvesting email addresses for spamming purposes? Received an email telling me that they were holding a report on me, submitted anonymously. To find out what was contained in the report, Id have to complete the (free) registration. Yeah, right For anyone who cares enough, you could probably check it out - although it probably doesn't deserve any publicity, even here. Let me know what you think ... ... There is no more to read >> |
Choice is an illusion created by those in power over those who have no power. Character in "Matrix Reloaded"
In updating emergency management plans in Cincinnati, a disaster expert has determined that libraries are dangerous places in a tornado, where books can become lethal flying objects. Unfortunately, there was no advice about what size bolt is required to securely and permanently anchor resources to shelves ... There is no more to read >>
It's pretty old news that "the Google Toolbar is spyware", but over at WebmasterWorld the discussion forum has authoritative information on this issue. And they actually use it, unlike the mainstream media. Or professional journalists.) Now, Celebrity Rants informs AOL users that their ISP is controlling their images. Not that AOL is blocking anything (unless you've requested it), but they're compressing image files to save bandwidth. Luckily, CR also provides information on how to get around this. There is no more to read >>
More A(ustralian)B.C. intrepid reporting covered a street survey in Tasmania - really - of the public perception of librarians and libraries. Seems they couldnt come up with anything much better than the persistence of the stereotypical image of librarians, except perhaps from the actual real librarian that they encountered. This meant a very short article. No surprise, really ... There is no more to read >>
How much derivation is required for a derived work to not violate copyright? And how much derivation is required for the derived work to become, itself, copyright? A collection of well-known quotes online claims that as the quotes were collected by the web author, they are now his copyright, and you have to acknowledge his copyright before you use them ... There is no more to read >>
The information from the Children's Clinic of Southwest Louisiana on Taming Tantrum Tactics turns out to be about parenting and toddlers. It was hoped the there may have been some advice on how paroxysm can be used to exert control over other adults. Seems like snitty librarians, and those with occassional forays into this area of behaviour modification, will just have to keep winging it for the moment ... There is no more to read >>
Although politically incorrect gender-wize, the Shockwave version of Witch Hunt is a great little diversion for a few minutes. Although you could wait much longer for the download on a dial-up connection .... There is no more to read >>
What was the question again?
This week's pick nearly made it as Diversion of the Week. But as Wacky Uses has some actual information, it didn't qualify under the rigid ISO guidelines for Library Diversions ... ... There is no more to read >>