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Do not attempt to read this journal whilst operating heavy machinery or prior to undergoing major surgery. It is not intended for younger readers, nor those who are humor-challenged. If you require any assistance in decoding the sub-text, you may need to consult a medical professional, teacher or psychic.
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Readers are invited to submit suggestions for Diversion of the Week, Website of the Week and other column features. Other news-worthy items are also welcomed, especially those accompanied by appropriate, copyright-free graphics. When submitting items, please provide your contact details for verification purposes only. Also clearly state or show how you would like to be acknowledged (or if you wish to remain anonymous). Use the "contact us" button in the Administrivia section below to send us an email.
A.B.Credaro Sub-Editor: A.B.Credaro Night Desk: A.B.Credaro Head of Production: A.B.Credaro Webmaster: A.B. Credaro Layout: A.B. Credaro Publicity: A.B.Credaro Catering: A.B.Credaro Hair Stylist: A.B. Credaro Wardrobe Supervisor: A.B. Credaro
Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use. Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory. All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same.
Book selection challenge
In addition, more age-developed library users are unable to read titles on book spines at any range further away than a nose-span, making their reading selection process one of a random "grab". However, this does bring them into line with the same paradigm used by high school seniors who are forced to borrow under the Wide Reading Requirements of the curriculum ... ...No more to read here >> Theft reduction strategy
At this time, there has been no official statement as to whether or not this is in any way related to an increase in library loss rates, or the delays in receiving books via international postage ... ...No more to read here >> Budgets shrink further
In some cases, even these are becoming such a rare event that the presentation of gifted books is cause for a major media event ... ...No more to read here >> Homepage calls credibility into question
Although the curriculum vitae of an apparently illustrious career contained numerous hyperlinks to authored papers and other substantiations, the whole effect was completely destroyed by the inclusion of a Cat of the Week ... ...No more to read here >>
Which isn't a bad opening for a book, except you have to wait until page 5 to get to the extract shown above. First-time author Martha Cooley's book, The Archivist (ISBN 0-349-11096-4), seems to have captured the essential spirit of the profession, if not the daily chaos level of the average circulation desk. But then, maybe life is different for archivists. Anyone know of any job vacancies? ... ... No more to read here >>
The interpretation of dreams is, like library administration, an imprecise science. However, there are a number of web sites that may possibly provide some guidence. Among these is the Dream Dictionary. It was here that we learned that to dream of libraries indicates a search for meaning and/or information. Aching knees (apparently) means dissatisfaction and complaints; the sight of buttocks indicates power; a finger augers sensitivity and awareness; packages and boxes pressages the need to enclose or protect something; The only problem was we weren't actually asleep ... ... ... No more to read here >>
Research has shown that the average librarian will take 10 to 15 minutes to read this web page. Anecdotal evidence is suggesting that many librarians fear they do not have enough time to investigate the humor links. The majority of the 90+ original library humor items (all written by Biblia, and not available anywhere else on the 'net) in the Humor Index are designed to take less than 2 minutes to read. However, if you choose to hang around there for hours reading them all, then re-reading them, then WLW cannot take any responsibility. You now have the choice of using the genetically unmodified Alphabetical Index or the dolphin-safe Dewey Version. Caffeine-free version has been temporarily canned, pending an FDA investigation ... MOST POPULAR BIBLIA PAGES TO DATE:
... ... No more to read here >> |
For those with an interest in promoting challenges, the Norwegian penis book is sure to generate much publicity. And paperwork ... The March 2004 report on Young Australians reading habits doesn't hold many surprises ... mainly due to the fact that it is quoting the year 2000 survey results ... The Carlton Health website carries yet another story on the Children's Internet Protection Act and the Child Online Protection Act, were passed to prevent minors from accessing obscene material in their schools or libraries. Let's hope the filtering blocks access to government policies and budgets relating to library support ... The Eugene Police Department (Or) is charging a resident for stealing books from the Knight Library and then selling them on eBay. eBay stated they had no-one available to speak on this topic ... Here's a new twist on not hiring certified staff for school libraries. Apparently there aren't enough in Texas, so all those LMS who have had their positions cut in other states ... Is it ironic that the Carnegie Corporation, with a capital fund of about $2 billion and one of the most important supporters of libraries across the United States, was founded by a Scotsman? There is no more >>
I just got my invention patented. Do you know who would want to buy it? There is no more >>
The miracle is not that we do what we do; but that we enjoy doing it. Mother Terasa
If you are looking for this week's diversion, we have good news and bad news. Firstly, the bad news is that there is no "new" diversion, but the good news is that all past - and future - diversions have moved to their own page, which eventually become a navigation button or link when we get around to it ... There is no more >>
A new game in town is Googlism, where the paranoid can find out what websites are saying about them. It does come up with nil results for searches on both "amanda credaro" and "warrior librarian" but then also says it doesnt have enough information for "bill gates" either. But Queen Elizabeth scored well. We didnt know she was completely landlocked, is operated by Fairmont Hotels, is only 36 tall, and comes in either white or pink There is no more >>