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A.B.Credaro Sub-Editor: A.B.Credaro Night Editor: A.B.Credaro Head of Production: A.B.Credaro Webmaster: A.B. Credaro Layout: A.B. Credaro Publicity: A.B.Credaro Catering: A.B.Credaro Hair Stylist: A.B. Credaro Wardrobe Supervisor: A.B. Credaro Correspondence to:
![]() M.E.M.O.North Dakota,USA - October, 2003: Confirmed. S.L.A.Q., Queensland, Australia - June 2004: Invitation accepted. California, USA - November 2004: Correspondence still continuing (for two years). Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use. Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory. In other words, this would be nice, but you don't have to. All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same. |
REPEAT OF OTHER INFORMATION Harry Potter Again A mere 46 hours after it's official Australian release, the first news article/review appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald. What makes this particularly newsworthy is the fact that it was supposedly written by someone who didn't get the book until its official release. ![]() Interestingly, this pretty much agrees with the Warrior Librarian's predictions from July last year, giving credence to the theory that Biblia herself may indeed by a witch. Or maybe it was another word, that just sounded like witch. While sales statistics with 6 noughts keep flooding in, a real actual journalist reports that the Rowling live web cast(archived at this link until July 3) of her reading bits of the book and answering questions is expected to have around 500 million (that's eight zeros there) viewers. But not all the reviews are positive. Pity the person who was only game to be identified by the initials KRT who was brave enough to state that "... the plot is cumbersome. Most characters haven't bloomed; they've only aged. Settings are befogged by vague writing. Worst, though, is the excess ... " ... There is no more to read >> NO LAUGHING MATTER World Library Partnerships ![]() So what to you say to librarians who spend their holidays doing this, and for free - in exotic locations like Central America or Africa? As the USA school year starts to wind down, many Library Media Specialists are signing up to share their skills. News such as this is of great concern, particularly to satirical journals such as WLW. No matter which way you examine this, there doesn't seem to be any way to lampoon, denigrate or otherwise joke about it ... ... There is no more to read >> CONFERENCES AND EXHIBITIONSMaximising Opportunities ![]() The WLW Exhibition Award went to Oxford Promotions as being the Most Generous With Free Stuff (Pens and Notepad Division), although John Wiley and Sons Publishing was a close second based on their score for Complimentary Candy Quality. A special WLW Highly Commended Award went to The Book Cover Company for three bags of book covering samples, that nearly tore the WLW Research Team's arms out of her sockets carrying the samples home. Still, it should save at least $20 out of the Library Processing Budget for next year. It can't be stressed highly enough how important it is to spend your time wisely at conferences and exhibitions ... ... There is no more to read >> WLW RESEARCH COLUMNSearch Strategies ![]() Recent analysis of search queries on the WLW website have revealed some interesting facts. 93% of searches are single keywords; complex search phrases are still being conducted with the use of Boolean operator symbols; and only 67% of searches of this site have a positive outcome. WLW makes no apology for the fact that there is no information on this site pertaining to soccer rules, Stalin, casino online, or ant farms ... ... There is no more to read >>
Caution: Will open in new window ...
![]() In response to a desperate plea for some humor from law librarians, the Warrior Librarian arranged for them to get a free poster plus a Guide to Warrior Librarianship to raffle at their Seattle Conference ... Quite strangely (or possibly not), there was no response from Michael Moore to the notification that his web site was named last week's WLW Website of the Week. Although not exactly in the same league as an Oscar or being on the national best-seller list of three different continents, you'd think he'd be just a little bit thrilled ... ... There is no more to read >> |
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. Scott Adams (Dilberts Guide to Stress)
It would be completely narky of us not to mention how nice it is of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to give another million dollars to Libraries for the Future. Now we're wondering about some money for libraries of the present ... There is no more to read >>
The Australian government is reported to be considering an inquiry into 'flawed' information on Iraq. Perhaps they used outdated sources as the library didn't have a large enough budget to purchase the latest reports, or maybe someone just "looked it up" on a web site? There is no more to read >>
Q: How many statues of the Virgin Mary are there in the world? Suggested Response: Would you like that by geographic area, construction material or domestic/institutional ownership? There is no more to read >>
Especially for library staff that find they haven't already got enough to drive them crazy, try Turn On The Lights, an quick - although infuriating game - that doesn't depend on luck or skill ... There is no more to read >>
Although This Modern World couldn't exactly be called 'unbiased reporting', at least it presents an alternative perspective from the mainstream media. And has nice graphics, which as any average library patron will tell you, is much more important anyway .... There is no more to read >>