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Do not attempt to read this journal whilst operating heavy machinery or prior to undergoing major surgery. It is not intended for younger readers, or those suffering from Humor Deficit Disorder. If you require any assistance in decoding the sub-text, you may need to consult a mental health-care professional.
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Note: Don't bother leaving the URL of your porn site, your business or company (unless it's library-related) or any other crap - it will be deleted almost immediately.
Readers are invited to submit suggestions for Diversion of the Week, Website of the Week and other column features. Other newsworthy items are also welcomed, especially those accompanied by appropriate, copyright-free graphics. When submitting items, please provide your contact details for verification purposes only. Also clearly state or show how you would like to be acknowledged (or if you wish to remain anonymous).
A.B.Credaro Sub-Editor: A.B.Credaro Night Desk: A.B.Credaro Head of Production: A.B.Credaro Proof Reading Webmaster: A.B. Credaro Layout: A.B. Credaro Publicity: A.B.Credaro Catering: A.B.Credaro Hair Stylist: A.B. Credaro Wardrobe Supervisor: A.B. Credaro
Note: The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. Any resemblance to real librarians (living or dead, or somewhere in between) or real libraries, may be a coincidence - but probably not. Biblia, the Warrior Librarian, was created by A.B.Credaro. The practice of Warrior Librarianship is common, and therefore quite possibly in the public domain. As such, it is likely to be exempt from any copyright restrictions. However, this does not limit Warrior Librarian Weekly, its agents, employees, heirs, spouses, family pets, or others connected with the zine, from trying to make an easy buck from its use. Universal permission is granted to any website to create a link to any page on this site. Notification of such links is appreciated, but not mandatory. All material on this site was written by A.B. Credaro unless otherwize stated. Requests for permission to publish or circulate any content should be directed to same.
TECHNOLOGY Internet could be wrong
As the average patron isn't willing to listen to a full-blown dissertation on the shortcomings of web-based information, until now there didn't appear to be any way of addressing this issue - short of pulling the plug. However, the newly formed WLW Tactical Response Team will be contacting all web sites found to have incorrect or misleading information ... ...No more to read here >> PATRON MANAGEMENTBabysitting role to end
Although only rating a small paragraph in a recent edition of Readers' Digest, this singularly important strategy can be adopted most libraries (except for maybe school libraries - but that's a whole other can of worms), at nearly no cost and minimal staff time. Quite simply, it's a sign saying "unattended children will be given a double shot of espresso and a puppy" ... ...No more to read here >> LIBRARY PROMOTIONEclectic mix of sectors
Cynthia Webber's submission from a corporate library took out the first prize in the Group Photo category; Kristen Campbell won in the College and Academic Library division; Martin Shakespeare will undoubtedly be proud to display his prize for the best entry from a School Library; with Peggie Graham's imaginative collaborative effort scoring for Public Libraries. Autographed posters from the Warrior Librarian are being mailed - increasing the global incidence of these collectors' items in the wild from three to seven. The extension of time for late submission resulted in a 25% increase in entries, up from three to four ... ...No more to read here >> CHILDREN'S LITERATUREFairytale challenges stereotypes
All the elements of the classic fairy tale were there - the princess locked in a tower, the fire-breathing dragon, an ogre, and the mandatory Prince Charming. But the dragon turns out to be a nice lady one; no ugly stepmother; the ogre is the central hero. It appears that children can accept these reversals in expectations, although an evil fairy godmother started to push the boundaries of credibility. However, the final scene where the princess and the ogre chose an alternative life-style based in a swamp, rather than living happily ever after as the archetypical handsome prince and beautiful princess in a palace with servants ... ...No more to read here >> LIBRARIANS IN POPULAR CULTURE Library Chicks rumors denied
North Vancouver School Library Association president Shelaigh Martin (extreme left in picture) is maintaining her story that she visited Australia earlier this year for a holiday, and her visits with the Warrior Librarian (in red in picture) to school libraries were limited to one day of sight-seeing. Biblia claimed that the "The Walk-Like-A-Librarian" pose, was struck in an impromptu manner, during a light-hearted moment. She categorically denied that it was a carefully choreographed publicity shot for an unnamed recording company ... ...No more to read here >>
It was originally intended to supply a quote (186 words) from pages 42-43 in the next three paragraphs. The intent was to give an indication of the author's writing style and wit, plus an indication of the books content. This would have served multiple purposes; providing free publicity for the book (WLW does not accept any paid placements), the promotion of Australian Literature to the global reading community, plus a number of other things that the language art freaks would have appreciated. But the publishers wanted a $50 payment for this permission, and the Warrior Librarian Postal Services group had just come back from the Post Office, having spent - by strange coincidence - $50 for postage of WLW posters to various Cookware Day participants. However, following the penultimate email to Penguin, with a copy to the Australian Society of Authors, the publishers have now given permission for the quote. Unfortunately, the terms of that permission were unable to be met (like a guarantee that the web site would not be in existence past the next two years - which is always a possibility, but who knows?). "Dirt Bath" is a good read and features a librarian as one of the two central characters. Which is something that compilers of lists of Librarians in Fiction may have missed. Although now out of print, you might be able to find it second-hand. Or maybe get something else by author Paul Livingston. Great Australian literature of the humor genre ... ... No more to read here >>
Research has shown that the average librarian will take 10 to 15 minutes to read this web page. Anecdotal evidence is suggesting that many librarians fear they do not have enough time to investigate the humor links. The majority of the 90+ original library humor items (all written by Biblia, and not available anywhere else on the 'net) in the Humor Index are designed to take less than 2 minutes to read. However, if you choose to hang around there for hours reading them all, then re-reading them, then WLW cannot take any responsibility. You now have the choice of using the genetically unmodified Alphabetical Index or the dolphin-safe Dewey Version. Caffeine-free version has been temporarily canned, pending an FDA investigation ... MOST POPULAR BIBLIA PAGES TO DATE:
... ... No more to read here >> |
If loneliness is the disease, the story is the cure. Richard Ford (Author of Independence Day the Pulitzer Prize winning one, not the other one of movie fame)
I just got my invention patented. Do you know who would want to buy it? Business & Government Section of a Public Library
This week, one for library users more than library staff. Feel free to link to the Dental Health website for the obvious type of information ... There is no more >>
As libraries around the world struggle for for staff, equipment and programs, there is no comfort in knowing that the Nixon Presidential Library has now added a full replica of the White House's East Room, complete with crystal chandeliers, golden silk draperies, and elegant marble fireplaces ... For those with an interest in elearning, the OCLC Interoperability between Library Information Services and Learning Environments - Bridging the Gaps report is available as a pdf (245K/15pp)... It had to happen. The Mortlock Library has now replaced its book stock with realia. Two galleries that previously contained shelving (and books) have now been replaced by posters, music CD covers (not the music itself), and items of historical significance such as football team jerseys ... Many thanks to the Arizona Guardian for the advice on creating a home library by using closet space, and keeping your clothes under your bed ... Library Journal reports on a somewhat ironic twist, where a book lost its borrower for nine months. Poetic justice? Norma Khouri's publishers have dumped her after determining her best-selling book, Forbidden Love, is a hoax. The latest news is that Khouri has come out of hiding in Queensland, and gone into hiding somewhere in the USA ... Apparently, the identity of Anonymous has now been established ... Nominations are invited for the 8th Aurora Library Leadership Institute, to be held at the Thredbo Alpine Village (Australia) from 16 to 21 February 2005. Nominations are sought from individuals with leadership potential and an ability to share their vision and enthusiasm with others .. Proposals for the 2005 OCLC/ALISE Library & Information Science Research Grant Program are due September 15, 2004. This program of OCLC Research awards up to $15,000 to foster quality research by faculty in schools of library and information science ... Don't forget to watch out for your invitation to the grand opening of the Clinton Library ...